We kicked off 2012 with a book signing event at the Green Valley Library in Henderson, Nevada. I was literally sitting in the ‘bright’ light in the lobby when a Jewish Rabbi approached my table and asked what my book was about. I shared with him some highlights of my experiences. He purchased a copy, called me three days later to invite me to his home. He had read my book and was fascinated by the supernatural journey out of darkness.

I met with he and his wife. He introduced me to his good friend, a Muslim Imam. The Rabbi wanted me to sign a copy of my book for his friend. I love that the message in my book transcends all religions!


Dan and Jim, two men who I worked with on the police force stopped by. Dan was a dispatcher, one of the few men in that job, while I was a rookie police officer, one of the few women at the time. Dan used to call me to share with me some of his challenges, saying, “You think you have it bad with the guys, just imagine what I have to go through with all these women!”
It was comforting to know that someone else was going through what I was going through. We laugh about it now, but being a pioneer definitely comes with a price and few are willing to pay the price. Jim, a sergeant that worked for me when he was a training officer had read my book and was grieved by the injustice. I could see the pain in his eyes as he told me that I was the best supervisor he had ever worked for and that he was very sorry for the way my career had ended.

I am hoping that my book will encourage men to stand up so that boys no longer run the show. “Do you know what I mean?”

Kick off of 2012 Book Signing Events!