An exciting show with fellow law enforcement officer, Vito Colucci, who authored the book, “Rogue Town.” “The true story of a city under the stranglehold of organized crime. The officials who betrayed the public trust, and the cop who wore…
Celebrate Recovery at the International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV)
Shared how GOD changed my life with my brothers and sisters at Celebrate Recovery. The program was birthed at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church and now has expanded all over the world. It’s a safe place to deal with hurts, hang-ups…
5th Annual Spring Fling Book Fair
Joined over one hundred authors at the local Spring Fling Book Fair at the Clark County Library. I met Vito Colucci, the author of “Rogue Town” and fellow law enforcement officer. Her served on the police department in Connecticut and…