Exciting things are happening as we kick off the New Year.  We are about to launch Bright Lights, Dark Places“as an audio book.  Look for the special announcement in early spring. 


On January 9th I joined the First Good Shepherd Book Club as their author of the month.  We had a stimulating conversation regarding the supernatural aspect of my book and many interesting questions were raised.  It all made for a wonderful evening around the fire place with a group of warm and loving Christians.


On January 26th I was the guest on the Jesus and Tim radio show and will be doing part 2 of that interview on February 9th.  If you missed the show you can go to www.jesusandtim.org, click on Schedule/Archive and go to the January 26th show. Marsha Stevens was also a guest on the program. She shared how she went from being the mother of contemporary Christian music to being a lesbian. I shared how I left the lesbian lifestyle after encountering the love of Jesus. If you have questions regarding this issue you may find this show enlightening.  Marsha and I will be dialoging on the show on February 9th, at KVVU, 1060 AM, 1:30 pm Pacific time so be sure and tune in.


On Febuary 2nd I joined my friend and fellow author, Cathy Scott, for a book signing event at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in San Diego, California. Jonny Holt was the host of the event as Cathy shared her experience writing her latest book, The Millionaires Wife, and I talked about the journey of writing my book, Bright Lights, Dark Places. Following the presentation we took questions from the audience, a spirited qroup who wanted to know the ‘inside scoop’, and ended the day signing books! We headed to Cathy’s twin sister, Cordelia’s house, after the event to celebrate their birthdays. The weather was beautiful in San Diego, a balmy 80 degrees, which made it difficult to head back to the cold desert in Las Vegas. Yes, it gets cold in the desert!

Exciting things are happening as we kick off 2013!